Reports on some previous N.E.G.S. lectures and field trips etc. (2000-2001 & 2001-2002)

Summaries of lectures in November & December (2008) written up by Michael Rabin, one of our student members.


Sept 24th 2010  Dr. Bruce R. Julian, U.S. Geological Survey:  The Grand Canyon 
Oct 22nd 2010   Ms. Sabina A.K. Michnowicz, University of Durham: "Amazing and portentous" an account of Britain in the wake of the 1783 - 1784 Laki fissure eruption
Nov 19th 2010    Brian Young, British Geological Survey & University of Durham:  A tale of two orefields 
Dec 10th 2010    Dr. Richard Collier University of Leeds:  Active rift margins: Structural evolution and sedimentary response

Jan. 21st 2011  Dr. Eva Panagiotakopulu, University of Edinburgh:  Life on the edge: The biogeography of North Atlantic insect faunas 
Jan. 29thJoint Meeting: N.E.G.S. with Y.G.S. See below.
Overall theme "The Big Picture- new perspectives on large-scale earth processes".
a) Jeroen van Hunen, University of Durham:  A lecture relating to Mantle processes and the dynamics of subduction (further details to follow)
b) Tim Wright, University of Leeds:  Witnessing the birth of a new ocean in Afar- Ethiopia~3.15- ~3.45 Tea break: Tea & Biscuits (free). Some partner societies like to put on a display of work/collections/sale items;YGS generally has some publications on sale.
c) Colin Macpherson, University of Durham: A lecture on Arc Magmatism and latest interpretation of volcanic events in South Asia 
Abstract and photo's)
d) Roger Searle, University of Durham: Volcanism and Tectonism at Mid-Ocean Ridges: a New Look at Sea-floor Spreading.
Feb 18th 2011    Dr Jeff Warburton, University of Durham:  River trenching of the Wear floodplain
Mar 18th 2011    Prof. David M. Knight, Univ. of Durham.  History of Geology


21st October, 2011 Dr. Phil Manning, Univ. Manchester:  Dinosaurs, space shuttles and synchrotrons
18th November, 2011  Dr. Rachel Wood, Univ. Edinburgh:  The dawn of biomineralisation
16th December, 2011  Prof. Richard Davies, Univ. Durham:  The Lusi mud volcano disaster, Indonesia: Why and what next? Full report by Mavis & Donald.
20th January, 2012  Dr. Lisa Baldini, Univ. Durham:  "Cave calcite deposits as recorders of palaeoclimate" Full report by Mavis & Donald.
17th February, 2012  Prof. Philip Gibbard, Univ. Cambridge:  The last glacial cycle in lowland England. Full report by Gordon Liddle
16th March, 2012  Dr. Mike Norry,  Univ. Leicester:  Shetland; the evolution of geology, language and people. Report by Gordon Liddle is in the March-April 2012 Newsletter.


October 18th 2013: Dr. Stuart Dunning, Northumbria University,  Icelandic Jökulhlaups: Report now available in Newsletter - October-2013
November 8th 2013: Dr. Darren Grocke, Durham University. What Lies Beneath Us - A GeoSculpture at Durham University
December 13th 2013: Members Evening. Gordon Wilkinson, John Waring, Christine Burridge: Uluru and Kata Tjuta – the geology of a unique area. Rocks under the microscope. Peaks, Penguins and the Peninsula - Some Antarctic Observations. Reports by Gordon Liddle
January 17th 2014: Dr. Richard J. Brown, Durham University:  Natural Born Killers: the Nature and Hazards of Pyroclastic Density Currents. Report by Gordon Liddle on Jan. 2014 Newsletter:
February 21st 2014: Prof. Jon Gluyas, Durham University. Getting Into Hot Water: Exalting Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Opportunity in the UK
March 21st (AGM prior to Lecture) 2014: Brian Young, Durham University. The Stones of Durham, (with particular reference to Durham Cathedral).
17th October Professor Andy Aplin, Durham University: Gas, Oil and Carbon Dioxide: Is Cinderella Shale now Belle of the Ball? Report by Gordon Liddle in Nov. 2014 Newsletter
21st November, Dr. Darren Grocke Durham University A Brief History of Stable Isotopes: from Kangaroos to Forensics to Botany and the Mesozoic.
12th December, Members' Evening: Gordon Wilkinson Uluru and Kata Tjuta – the geology of a unique area 2. Gordon Hull People I've met on the road from Stanley to Pangaea.
3.Christine Taylor A particular quarry in Gloucestershire
16th January, Dr John Nudds Manchester University. Chinese Dinosaur Embryos. Full Report in Jan. 2015 newsletter.
20th February, Lesley Dunlop Northumbria University. Chromite, tungsten and iron: Mineral deposits and mines in Portugal
20th March, Prof. Chris R. Stokes Durham University. Poles Apart? Glaciers and Climate Change in the Arctic and Antarctic

16th October

Dr. Ceri Nunn

Structure of Mt. Etna

20th November

Dr. Rick Smith FWS Consultants

The recent polyhalite discoveries in North Yorkshire

18th December, 2015
Members' Evening

1. Gordon Wilkinson

2. Les Barnes

3. John Waring

Aspects of the Taupo Volcanic Area – New Zealand

The Isle of Purbeck; a geologist's paradise

 From Deserts to Deltas
Reports in Jan. 2016 newsletter

15th January

Dr. Edward Dempsey, Durham Univ.

Minding your P’s & Qs’s: Using pyrite, pyrrhotite, quartz and quartzine to understand the origin of the North Pennines orefield


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